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The fuels manufactured by the Paria Trading Company Limited are brought to NPMC’s main storage terminals at Sea Lots and Crown Point, Tobago by ocean tankers which ply between the refinery of Pointe-a-Pierre and Maravan, Curaçao.

The Liquid Fuels Company of Trinidad and Tobago(LFCTT) will facilitate the storage of fuels delivered from Paria Fuels Trading Company Ltd. into storage tanks at LFCTT Point-a-Pierre and then transfer these fuels via a Multi-Fuel Pipeline to the LFCTT Caroni storage and distribution facility.

Our pier at Sea Lots is 210 meters long, with a draft of 6.6 meters. Deliveries of products to service stations and industrial customers are made by a fleet of Road Tank Wagons (RTWs) operating from our Sea Lots and CrownPoint terminals, or directly from the Pointe-a-Pierre refinery.