Aviation Bunkering
Trinidad & Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited(NPMC)has been servicing the needs of the Aviation Industry in Trinidad and Tobago for over Thirty Nine (39) years. We provide Jet A-1 and Aviation Gasoline (AvGas) to many customers and also do into – plane deliveries for customers of Rubis West Indies Ltd.

is reputed as a credible supplier of quality aviation fuel in the Caribbean. Our efficient and friendly staff ensures prompt fuelling with the help of the four hydrant dispensers for Jet and AvGas and a refueller. We also provide a safe, stable, secure and efficient supply of fuel to our customers at very competitive prices.
Our operations at Piarco International Airport Trinidad work around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whereas, at ANR Robinson International Airport Tobago formerly known as Crown Point International Airport, have normal working hours from 7.00a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday but are available outside of these hour
Piarco Terminal
Mr. Sieudath Persad
– Airport Superintendent
Phone: 1-868-669-4250
Fax: 1-868-669-4807
Phone and Fax: 1-868-669-4307
E-mail: spersad@np.co.tt
Crown Point Terminal
Mr. Gerard Gift
–Terminal Manager Tobago
Phone: 1-868-639-9035
Fax: 1-868-639-8802
E-mail: ggift@np.co.tt
Head Office
Mrs. Marcia Fraser
– Industrial Sales Representative
Phone: 1-868-625-1365 ext. 243
Fax: 1-868-623-8811
E-mail: aviation@np.co.tt