Our Quikshoppes are changing the way you shop Across the country.
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- Pay at the Pump facilities – Debit & Credit
- Convenience Shopping
- Gas Cards

NPMC Service Stations and the 24/7convenience of our QuikShoppes are the most prominent public representation of the fuels industry. NPMC is the pioneer for the convenience store retail model in Trinidad and Tobago. At over thirty (30) QuikShoppe & QuikShoppe Plus and Mini locations nationwide, we provide convenience store items, automotive speciality products, automated teller machines (ATMs), ‘ready-to-eat’ foods/meals, as well as the sale of liquid fuels on the forecourt at the pump.
The QuikShoppe Plus takes the existing QuikShoppe brand into a new dimension with its superior store layout and finishings, while offering the public a variety of ready-to-consume meals prepared on location, from a coffee bar to sushi to pre-packaged sandwiches to lunches. This progressive move on NPMC’s part is in keeping with international trends as convenience stores the world over are raising the bar on their foodservice offerings by providing easy and convenient service nationwide.
The standard QuikShoppe offers a range of everyday stocked items (such as groceries, toiletries, alcoholic and soft drinks, tobacco products, and newspapers)
Always Open; Always There.
When you run out, run in
Our QuikShoppes are the most prominent public representation of the fuels industry. QuikShoppes– NPMC is the pioneer for the convenience store retail model in Trinidad and Tobago.
At over thirty (30) QuikShoppe & QuikShoppe Plus and Mini locations nationwide, we provide convenience store items, automotive speciality products, automated teller machines (ATMs), ‘ready-to-eat’ foods/meals, as well as the sale of liquid fuels at the pump.
QuikShoppe PLUS
QuikShoppe MINI

Always Open, Always There
Business as there is a fast-growing trend to have the Quick Service Restaurants offer meals that consumers can quickly grab-and-go at their convenience. In its Ongoing efforts to modernise and upgrade its service and provide greater customer convenience and satisfaction at its stations, NPMC opened its doors to the first-ever QuikShoppe Plus at the St. Christopher’s service station on Wrightson Road.
The QuikShoppe Plus takes the existing QuikShoppe brand into a new dimension with its superior store layout and finishings, while offering the public a variety of ready-to-consume meals prepared on location, from a coffee bar to sushi to pre-packaged sandwiches to lunches. This progressive move on NPMC’s part is in keeping with international trends as convenience stores the world over are raising the bar on their foodservice offerings by providing easy and convenient meal and drink options.

Standard QuikShoppes offer a range of everyday stocked items (such as groceries, toiletries, alcoholic and soft drinks, tobacco products, and newspapers), the NPMC branded QuikShoppe Plus and QuikShoppe Minis both offer a full-sized convenience store with full service Quick Service Restaurants (plus), and the smaller yet convenient grab-n-go option (mini).
Quikshoppe OUTLETS
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Retail Fuel Prices (December 2020)
- Premium Unleaded - $5.75 per litre
- Super Unleaded - $4.97 per litre
- Diesel - $3.41 per litre
Retail Fuel Prices (December 2020)
- Premium Unleaded - $5.75 per litre
- Super Unleaded - $4.97 per litre
- Diesel - $3.41 per litre