2024 November 18 Press Release – NP Partners with TTPS on Service Station Security Issues

rinidad & Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (NP) held a Key Stakeholder meeting with its North based Service Station Dealers to discuss service station security issues at the La Boucan Room of Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre, Port of Spain on Thursday November 14th, 2024. In attendance at the meeting were representatives of NP, its North Service Station Dealers, Vidal Sealey – Manager Protective Services of First Citizens Bank (FCB), Darrin Carmichael – Director Crime Stoppers Trinidad and Tobago and Assistant Superintendent Ashraf Ali of the Trinidad & Tobago Police Service (TTPS).

NP Joins Global Coastal Clean-Up

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy with Environmental Protection as a focal area, Trinidad & Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (NP) joined volunteers from hundreds of countries in hosting a beach clean-up exercise on Saturday, September 14th, 2024 at the Manzanilla Beach, in support of the International
Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Day. The event was coordinated by CNIRD (Caribbean Network for Integrated Rural Development) with NP as part of the National Planning Committee.

NP Assures the Public of Reliable Supply of LPG

Reference is made to the Sunday Express article on 23rd April 2023, “Natural Gas Crisis” which outlines that several petrochemical plants at Point Lisas are currently shut down due to a fire at bpTT’s Mahogany hub. The article also states that one of these plants is the lone cooking gas producer in the country which alludes to the fact this could affect the supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)/cooking gas to the nation.

Unsponsored Steelbands

Trinidad and Tobago has an extraordinary, vast and diverse pool of cultural heritage as our unique festival and artforms (music and pan) carry a special and well-deserved respect in the eyes of all nationals. In fact, our Carnival festivities have long been regarded as the epitome of creativity and a symbol of cultural expression.

Preserving our Cultural Heritage: 

Supporting Junior Panorama &Unsponsored Steelbands

For this reason, NPMC’s efforts to preserve our cultural heritage have gained new momentum as the Company continues to givestrong financial support to the Junior Panorama Championship in addition to giving financial aid to equip several unsponsored steelbands with banners and t-shirts for the competition.

Funding for cultural initiatives such as these is critical to the nation’s economic development through tourism, and as a responsible corporate citizen, NPMC feels compelled to ensure that the tradition and modernity of the culture is passed on to future generations with the required amounts of energy and passion, so that we can do our part to conserve the world’s most outstanding festival.

Retail Fuel Prices (December 2020)

  • Premium Unleaded - $5.75 per litre
  • Super Unleaded - $4.97 per litre
  • Diesel - $3.41 per litre

Retail Fuel Prices (December 2020)

  • Premium Unleaded - $5.75 per litre
  • Super Unleaded - $4.97 per litre
  • Diesel - $3.41 per litre