Used Oil Analysis


Lubricants play a major role in our industry today. For businesses that maintain fleets and other types of oil-lubricated equipment, the difference between profit and loss can depend on keeping operating costs as low as possible. NP’s Used Oil Analysis can make the difference.

Testing service can be a valuable tool in your ever-demanding need for preventive and predictive maintenance.

It provides state-of-the-art techniques in used oil analysis, allowing the user to control and reduce maintenance and repair costs.

The system is geared to provide the user with fast, low cost, easy to read reports enabling valuable information to be obtained at a glance

Benefits of Np's User Oil Analysis Programme

  • Control and reduce operating costs
  • Obtain valuable management information
  • Improve reliability and limit unscheduled downtime
  • Fast analysis with short turnaround time for routine tests
  • Easy to read reports, complete with results from previous analyses


How the Programme Works


In addition to individual tests, NPMC has developed a number of standard test packages designed to assist the user in choosing the correct tests for analysis. The packages vary because our customers’ needs and equipment vary.



Obtaining a representative sample is the first and most difficult step of the oil analysis process. NP provides sampling procedures to our customers upon request. Clear and concise directions, simple and easy to read forms and sample bottles are provided to facilitate submission of samples to the NP laboratory. Our technical staff is always ready to provide any additional assistance.



The second step is analysis. Depending on the purpose of the analysis and the test package chosen, the samples received are analyzed for a number of condition indicators. The methods employed are:

Spectrographic analysis, Viscosity, Water content, Flash point, Total Solids, Total Base Number, Total Acid Number, etc.



Interpretation of the analyses can detect a number of critical situations. Oil analysis can provide valuable information about equipment operating conditions:

  • Wear problems, concentration of wear metals, oil additives as well as contaminants
  • Abnormalities that can lead to failure
  • Contamination levels for carbon soot, wear debris and other particulate matter
  • Over-extended oil drain intervals
  • Oil thinned by fuel
  • Contamination by water
  • Air filter failure resulting in dirt ingression
  • The use of incorrect lubricants



Computerised data processing ensures faster generation of concise, easy to read reports, complete with results from previous analyses.

NP Test Packages
Air Compressors
Viscosity @
400C cSt.
Water (+/-)
TAN mg KOH/g
Elemental Analysis
Air Compressors

The Np Advantage

NP Test Packages

Air CompressorsViscosity @ 400C cSt.Water (+/-)TAN mg KOH/gElemental Analysis
Gas CompressorsViscosity @ 1000C cSt.Water (+/-)Flash PointTAN/TBN mg KOH/gElemental Analysis
Refrigeration CompressorsViscosity @ 400C cSt.Water (+/-)Water (ppm)*Pour Point 0CElemental Analysis
Industrial GearboxesViscosity @ 400C cSt.Water (+/-)TAN mg KOH/gElemental Analysis
HydraulicViscosity @ 400C cSt.Water (+/-)TAN mg KOH/gElemental Analysis
TurbineViscosity @ 400C cSt.Water (+/-)Water(ppm)*TAN mg KOH/gElemental Analysis
CrankcaseViscosity @ 1000C cSt.Flash PointTBN mg KOH/gTotal Solids {4bec3909aa5095a21088ec4d6c498a2c09112ed4671fc3b71ae54ed22d435f9d}wtElemental AnalysisWater (+/-)